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Hula Daddy Kona Coffee - Tasting Room
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Hula Daddy Kona Coffee - Tasting Room

25561 hours ago

Hula Daddy Kona Coffee - Tasting Room

25564 hours ago

Hula Daddy Kona Coffee - Tasting Room

25567 hours ago

Hula Daddy Kona Coffee - Tasting Room

25570 hours ago

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Comments (297)

MD 03/23/22 14:12

Hi Sue ....  so ...  3 days since that comment, I expect you are managing the hurdles while preparing for the pole vault!

The end of October is a lovely time to be in the Rhône valley. We used to drive to the UK in April or October. The road runs alongside the river.  If you go as far south as Montélimar you'll be able to smell the nougat in the air.  I do miss that place, and the nougat.

Arizona Sue 03/20/22 18:47

Hi MD.   Recovery slow and painful but I'm progressing.   It's every bit as awful as I'd heard.   But I'm off the pain pills and on to Advil.   Soon I'll be pole vaulter par excellence!   I'm lucky to have my wonderful hubby taking good care of me.  By the way, we booked our River Cruise on the Rhône for the end of October.   Two and a half years after our original plans.   

Arizona Sue 03/17/22 22:18

Mmmm.  I can almost smell the coffee aroma from here.   And I'm strictly a tea drinker.   Hi MD.  


MD 03/15/22 20:37

Hi JimE .... just what I needed - a cheery photograph.  I know I always joke with you about your hats but it would be criminal to cover up such a good head of hair.

My gosh  .....  I'd love to rent one of those cottages.  It looks a lovely area.  You must look forward to going back as soon as you can.

MD 03/15/22 20:24
JimE 03/13/22 19:15

Hi MD, I hope you can see the attached picture...  I sent it as a reminder of how I look without a hat!  We were waiting for dinner at the Lava Lava resort on the Big Island when this was taken.  I hope all is well over there as I understand Covid is having another run at the UK and surrounding countries!  Come to think of it I never did get a hat on this last trip to HI....  Maybe next year!

MD 03/12/22 23:23

Hi Sue ...  I hope it went well ...  make the most of those drugs!  LOL

I can't picture you as "an official old lady."  You'll soon be back to gadding about ...  all those cruises to go on and Scotland awaits when it's safe to go there.  It has a record level of Covid cases at the moment.  Devon has bad patches, usually in tourist areas.  I'm having a staycation.

Get well soon.

Arizona Sue 03/10/22 21:22

Hi MD and the gang.  I'm having knee replacement surgery tomorrow (Friday).  Us baby boomers are having our parts wear out.  The drugs will be delightful and I'm tired of putting up with pain!   Guess I'm now an official old lady with her walker. 😝  but only until I'm fully healed and cam walk unassisted.



MD 03/04/22 23:33

Hi Sue ...  it's heartbreaking.  I have this tab open 24/7.

Also this one. It usually closes just after 1am my time but they've been closing it a bit earlier this last week.

When I've had enough of the horrors on one - I swap to the horrors on the other one. I find it dreadful that a lot of Republicans are on Putin's side.  Unbelievable.  Unbelievable but true - and it's easy to prove by finding those repugs on YouTube and watching them praising Putin and of cause, dear leader Trump. What is the world coming to?  Literally.

Arizona Sue 03/03/22 20:31

Hi MD.  What is your opinion on the mess in Ukraine?   My heart aches for those having to flee their homes.   I can't imagine.  

MD 02/22/22 18:56

Hi Sue ...  I envy you that trip.  It looks a really interesting place. I see they do Spanish olive tapenade. I'm down to my last French black olive tapenade that I bought before covid. There is a store that does "country weeks."  I used to go there on French, Spanish and Italian weeks.  Haven't been there for almost 2 years. I also noticed the Olive Mill  has bacon olive oil.  I'd love to try that.

It must have been terrifying to be Jewish in Hitler's time, having to move from place to place and being persecuted.  I've never understood why. Sadly, there are still minorities being persecuted today and I can't see it ever ending.

Arizona Sue 02/21/22 03:55

Hi MD.  Yes I saw that JoJo was in Croatia.  Like you, we've been to Austria and Italy.  I think part of my husband's family may have come from that area.   Not Croats or Bosnian but Jewish.   Our weather is again beautiful this time of year. Tomorrow is a high of 68F.  Just need a light jacket in the morning until the sun warms things up.  I'm going on an old person bus trip to The Olive Mill in Queen Creek AZ.  You can Google if you like.  Including lunch and transportation.  It's about an hour and a half from where we live.  Hubby has to work or he'd be going too.   First old people trip since January 2020🧐

MD 02/20/22 16:17

Hi Sue ... did you see where Jo Jo lives:

I used to regularly drive past this one when I lived in France:

I only ever went in there once, when I was 15 and on a school vacation.  I tested it to see if it worked like the Whispering Gallery in St Paul's Cathedral. Several of us girls where standing at ground level and our French teacher was at the top.  She was an elderly spinster and I thought she was a killjoy. Now, I realise she wasn't but on that day I made a pithy comment and was amazed to see her turn and fix me with a glare. LOL

Those Romans certainly built things to last.

We've had several storms this week, strong winds and rain, rain, rain.

Arizona Sue 02/20/22 05:25

Jo Jo, no need to chat if you don't care to. 

MD 02/19/22 22:25

Hi Jo Jo .....  what a beautiful place to live. I love living near to the sea. The closest I've been to Croatia is Austria and Italy.

I live not far from here:

Jo Jo 02/19/22 20:54

MD thank you for links, interesting to see some US culture, I'm from little town in Croatia <-- I live close to this thing


MD 02/19/22 14:46

Hi Jo Jo - so good they named you twice?

There are 7.9 billion people on our planet - growing rapidly every second if you look at my link - and 369 of us today chose to congregate on Opentopia.  In the main, we get on very well, some of us exchange pleasantries from time to time. I never expected that our tiny hallowed spot would get a visit from the Gazpacho.  All I can say is:

Jo Jo 02/18/22 20:47

MD, Sue why are you using this comment section like a chat room?

MD 02/18/22 19:00

Hi Sue .... dreadful thought.

MD 02/18/22 18:53

Yaaaaaaay!  Thanks for the picture.   JimE, have you lost some weigh???   You look different .... or maybe it's because you're not wearing a hat.  LOL


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