01/14/25 18:11: N Q: Hi silversquirrel & Homely. It's been down in the minus temps the last 5 days here and I'm so glad that I nolonger need to go out in it !!The norovirus is hitting Wis pretty good right now so I'm working at staying away from people, from what I heard it 3-5 days of throwing up and diarrhea, something I don't want to contend with !Hope all is well with you gals :)
01/13/25 05:10: silversquirrel: Hello Phoenix, NQ, Homely, Stargzr, et al. Happy and healthy New Year!
12/26/24 16:01: Homely: Good Morning, Phoenix - Glad to see you! And hello to N Q, Arizona Sue, Moose, Ed Hilver, and anyone else who filters through here on a whim during the holidays. I hope everyone is safe, warm, and happy enough during this season. Best to all of you!
12/25/24 14:52: Phoenix: Hi All, thought I'd come back and say what I think about someone calling themselves MD. I believe it's definately not our MD..doesn't "sound" like her. It's been more than two years since she last wrote, I remember she said that her daughter would let us know if something happened. Doubt if she'd go on Twitter and rally the troops against Trump.. Ok this MD, tell me this, what was my profile before I became Phoenix?? The real MD would know.. Hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and looking forward to a Happy and Healthy 2025!!
12/19/24 03:28: silversquirrel: Beautiful!
12/19/24 02:00: N Q: I just came across this YouTube Live video cams of christmas decorations from around the world. Some of these cams are from the towns that used to be on here.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fomqFhb_FcQ
12/18/24 23:34: N Q: Christmas lights here but no tree.