Not much diligence required. I just went to the search page and put in Estonia. MD and I had a thing way back when to find duplicates and put the addresses on each page. If you look at one of these you will see us, but we had grown weary of it by this time.
Homely01/09/24 14:57
Thank you for your diligence, Moose! And Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Moose!
N Q01/05/24 04:32
Thanks Moose, I thought it must have been a duplicate cam, I didn't realize it was a triplet cam :)
Thanks Homely, I think this might be a duplicate cam because I could have sworn I noted this tree before christmas but maybe not.
Homely01/03/24 16:49
A lovely tree here, N Q!
MD06/11/16 23:43
Dona would love this.
MD12/03/14 02:07
Number 2
Kyle Gosnell07/17/14 02:27
Look at the date for the Snowman hahhaa quite a while Jan of 06 dang time flies
Kyle Gosnell07/17/14 02:25
If i recall corectly, he , and a couple others were word fighting with a pervert trying to convince them to get a life hahahaha
Kyle Gosnell07/17/14 02:24
I remember this place, when I first came to Opentopia, this was one of the first cams i saw, and lots of people milling around in the Winter time, so cool back then, and very new, as not many if any other cam networks on the net then, thanks OT for showing this one.
THen I started to meet the locals who were already here, Trader was one of them, glad we got to be friends , he a stand up person.
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Not much diligence required. I just went to the search page and put in Estonia. MD and I had a thing way back when to find duplicates and put the addresses on each page. If you look at one of these you will see us, but we had grown weary of it by this time.
Thank you for your diligence, Moose! And Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Moose!
Thanks Moose, I thought it must have been a duplicate cam, I didn't realize it was a triplet cam :)
Thanks Homely, I think this might be a duplicate cam because I could have sworn I noted this tree before christmas but maybe not.
A lovely tree here, N Q!
Dona would love this.
Number 2
Look at the date for the Snowman hahhaa quite a while Jan of 06 dang time flies
If i recall corectly, he , and a couple others were word fighting with a pervert trying to convince them to get a life hahahaha
I remember this place, when I first came to Opentopia, this was one of the first cams i saw, and lots of people milling around in the Winter time, so cool back then, and very new, as not many if any other cam networks on the net then, thanks OT for showing this one.
THen I started to meet the locals who were already here, Trader was one of them, glad we got to be friends , he a stand up person.