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Dutchmanrenzo Clocks & Toys on Noorderweg
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Dutchmanrenzo Clocks & Toys on Noorderweg

5 hours ago

Dutchmanrenzo Clocks & Toys on Noorderweg

8 hours ago

Dutchmanrenzo Clocks & Toys on Noorderweg

11 hours ago

Dutchmanrenzo Clocks & Toys on Noorderweg

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Comments (20)

Homely 11/15/23 03:11

I love to hear that the balloons are as I imagined them to be! The music town is lovely and with well designed parking and transport, so not to worry there. Meanwhile, my SIL is sending lovely, Christmassy market pictures from her cruise. Wish I could share them here! But I will stay vigilant in the search for the trees here on OT :-)

N Q 11/14/23 01:21

Your Live Music neighboring town sounds like fun, well fun unless it becomes a traffic jam getting there. 

The Hot Air Balloons are pretty to watch, especially when there's a lot of snow on the ground and even nicer now that I live in a 4 story apartment building where I can look out the window and watch them go up on the extremely cold launch days, luckily the weekend they go up is normally a little warmer then normal most years so it's nice getting out to watch them too.

Homely 11/12/23 22:04

I love the idea of Hot Air Affair to break up the winter! I can imagine how lovely it is to see the color of all the balloons in the sky just when you're starting to get itchy for spring to come :-). We don't have anything quite like that around here. There are a couple of proper independent towns that are far enough out of the city environs to have their own traditions. The smaller one does things like a scarecrow decorating contest for Halloween and an Easter egg hunt. The larger one has a nice downtown area that they will shut down a couple of times a year - one for a holiday sale and party and another where they have live music all over the business district. People even set up and play on their porches. It's a nice day trip to go see those events!


N Q 11/12/23 13:38

Homely, small hometown traditions are fun, especially at christmas time. Santa will be here to hear kids wishes on Nov 25th along with his reindeer which always draw a crowd.

In Feb we have a Hot Air Affair to break up the winter, it's where 20-30 hot air ballooons launch over a weekend. For Easter we have an Easter egg hunt for kids, 4th of July is the big celebration with a carnival and parade and I just realize that we really don't do anything special for Thanksgiving, instead that weekend centers completely around Christmas.

Do you have a nearby small town that holds special celebrations ? 

Homely 11/11/23 17:28

Love the town traditions, N Q! We don't have any where we are, too metropolitan. But we used to spent Thanksgiving with relatives who lived in downtown Charlotte, and I always loved kicking off the holidays with the Thanksgiving parade in town. It's a great way to get in the mood!

N Q 11/09/23 17:42

I was going to say it's too early for christmas decorations but I just realized that the ones on my towns main street will be going up at the beginning of next week because the day after thanksgiving my town has a christmas parade that marks the beginning of the christmas season with the lighting of the christmas lights and trees along main street and our river front park.

Good work at spotting them !

Homely 11/09/23 14:58

First holiday decorations that I've seen up this year! No tree, just street lamp decos, but still happy to see them!

MD 04/22/22 22:48

Maybe tomorrow .....

Dusti Buns 04/22/22 14:47

and today...

Ed Hilver 04/24/20 20:29

And today...

MD 10/21/19 12:38

No boats today.

MD 01/20/15 13:45

Ola Blanqui.....  si, uno de mis favoritos.

blanqui suarez 01/20/15 13:34

hemosa vista  !

Mira Bilis 10/22/14 19:21

Green thumb please.

MD 08/25/14 13:02

Trix... we never learn.  :D

trix abound 08/25/14 12:50

then i look at it again....maybe the red and white striped poles should have told us something...

trix abound 08/25/14 12:48

i know....who knew!!!never seen it do that before!!!

MD 08/25/14 12:44

I swear that when I put my comment, yours wasn't there! 

MD 08/25/14 12:42


trix abound 08/25/14 12:36

WOW...another bridge that goes up....just let a big boat through....


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