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Webcam in Osaka,Japan
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Comments (10)

Gwen 04/07/11 07:57

This place is in Matsubara, Osaka, not in Sendai. It's live feed cam is directly labled as such. Matsubaramise in kanji.


kyle 03/20/11 05:37

I know I'm going to get yelled at over my comment, but the truth is, their stock market crashed in a forced bid to capitalize on them, and the world has, such greed is to the shame of all of us.    It's the same with oil, speculation drives up the price, they make billions and we pay for it to their glee, this time it's not the Arabs, they are preoccupied at the moment. makes you think  don't it?, perhaps our real enemies are at home.

Ah, pay no mind to me, I am pissed over not being able to keep a reasonable amount of Fuel in my Car for emergencies

kyle 03/20/11 05:26

Personally i think the Japanese are fatalists, that mentality happened when the first Atomic energy was exposed to them , the common man had no say in it.

I will tell you the building codes are so strict, one house is still intact , floating in the Pacific ocean.   They built on American know how, to their strict codes, and the Quake was so much larger than anticipated in  aworse case senerio this happened, had this happened in the US, the buildings and structure would have been totally flatened, and we would alreadfy have had the China syndrom. 

Please no blame. only try and concoct positive answers, and pray that no more die.  There are two irrevocable laws demonstrated here, :(Both is larger than Man) Nature is so beautiful is one , the other is the more Grandly beautiful it is, the bigger bite it takes.  If you think Man is a force, stand on top of  a high Mountain, no one around and yell at that mountain to be small too hahahaha then try and do that on one of the smaller peaks of the Rocky mountains where a whole battle Group of tanks are around you, and you are still a tiny Mote, aren't you Glad God likes us?

Be well and pray the people of Japan can cope, and no more greedy types makes money off their suffering, such as the Stock Market speculators

Tina Oldi 03/16/11 11:18

this People are still alive and working in an Reataurant in Miyagi????? good God

Tina Oldi 03/16/11 07:17

yes its live.....

Vania Arrieira 03/16/11 02:18

This web cam is live?

Tina Oldi 03/14/11 23:01

and now it dosen't works....why not?

Patrick Cornwell 03/14/11 22:45

Yup, back up. Pleased to see it running again.

Tina Oldi 03/14/11 22:00

yesterday it works....

Patrick Cornwell 03/11/11 18:43

I saw this cam still streaming well after the earthquake and everyone inside seemed ok. I presume it is now knocked out because of power cuts.


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