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Comments (17)

MD 12/06/21 15:04

Hi Roger Barker ....  I hope you are well.  It's 2 years today since Trix died, so she never heard of Covid. Seems to have been a long 2 years.

You take care.


MD 03/19/15 15:16

Beautiful view.

MD 12/11/14 14:11

Almost dark.

MD 10/17/14 17:02

Mira Bilis... tweak away... you know I love accuracy!  :D

Mira Bilis 10/17/14 15:16

Lovely indeed.  I tweaked the title.  :)

MD 10/17/14 11:42

What a peaceful view.

MD 11/04/13 12:27

Hi Dona. This is beautiful in a chilly way. I've just read my wicked comment to Kyle on here, 16th July, but, in mitigation, it WAS in reply to his cheeky comment. I wish he was back doing his zillion one liners. I know you miss him too.

dona brantley 11/04/13 07:45

still breath taking   its snowin g and ican leave ill just stay on this cam and watch    awe struck  dona

MD 07/16/13 13:01

Hi Zedyer, you sure you're not just taking the afternoon off to get a bit of sunshine, when you've finished on here? :)

MD 07/16/13 12:42

Gotcha! Hahahaha. I'm sure I never said you were on ALL the time. I might have said that there are some cams with 16 consecutive, one line Kyle comments, all describing what you IMAGINED you could see but I never said you were on all the time. Hee hee!  But I came very close to it!  8-)

kyle 07/16/13 04:50

And MD, I'm not on ALL the time brat, darned bad way to look at my controbutions to OT , !!!snivel !!

But I will tell you, didnt think I'd say it, I miss working full time, alot, now-a-days, glad this is not something I do all the time, have so many irons in the fire, I tend to forget what i say, hehehehhe But is fum once you get to know the denizens, (And Brats hahahaha )

All be well

kyle 07/16/13 04:44

I apologize as well,  for interfering, seeing as you two know each other. I didn't realize the latter


MD 07/15/13 17:38

Hi Alex. Most excitement I've had for ages but please don't do it again, my ticker wouldn't take it!

This view was lovely earlier but they've obviously had rain.


23141 07/15/13 17:03

Just dont do it again.

26507 07/15/13 16:57

sorry everyone on here for yesterday (i have already apolisgised to sid or "zedyer" in real life)

MD 07/15/13 11:19

Hi Dona. I've seen this place many times. So serene.  And this was the last cam on your morning's tour. Now I've got to search for myself!

dona brantley 07/15/13 05:02

almost 3 years later still breath taking                        smile           dona


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