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Comments (12)

N Q 11/20/15 13:39

christmas tree alert :)

Savannah Robberts 08/20/15 13:08

This is some jolly town.

Chemical 12/18/14 04:19

OMG! I love that lit up tree!!

MD 11/29/14 16:12

Hi Dona... I'm having a good day... what there is left of it!! I woke early and decided to have a few more minutes. 7 hours later.... I woke up!!!!!!  I couldn't believe it. I can't remember the last time I slept so long in one go. I feel sooo good, so energized.  Of course... I'm not going to use the energy because it is already starting to go dark in the UK. If I can just hold onto it until Monday... I'll go and paint the town red!!!   LOL

NQ... it's just gone 5pm there. I'm wondering if the lights haven't been switched on yet... Maybe Monday they will be officially switched on. I hope so. I actually like this cam, with or without tree.  :)

N Q 11/29/14 16:01

MD I think this is going to be one that you view during the daylight because the lights /ornaments look nice then but you're right, it's lacking lights at night.

dona brantley 11/29/14 15:51

hi md  hope your having a good  day  smiley

MD 11/29/14 15:46

Nice tree... not sure about the lights.   :)

dona brantley 11/29/14 14:52

so nice  thanks   NQ       dona smiles

N Q 11/29/14 14:40

there's a big christmas tree here.

Hoover OMoondoe 11/13/14 09:21

Here is the Google Street View of the camera itself on a mast on top of a building:,14.7278516,3a,15y,151.4h,102.22t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1svpcQU4XSkVeFy_DwdZyKSg!2e0

MD 11/07/13 09:51

Thanks elmo09.  I'm just going out but I'll look it up later, see if I can get Googleman to take a little walk. It looks a nice place. :))

elmo09 11/07/13 05:42

The exact location of this webcam is: 50.073189,14.728199

It's near Prague 21.


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