Wait....what???? Oh, I think you're confusing me with Silver Sqirrel. Here in Oregon it is just about the same as you in Devon. And yes...it's raining. :D
MD04/05/18 16:52
Hi stargzr ...... as I stepped outside into 47F I thought of you with your 90+. Do you even own a coat? :D
stargzr04/05/18 16:33
Yay....... They're pulling back the tarp and getting ready for the fountains!
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You're right, N Q! This cam is always SO clear - but whether or not the live feed works is an iffy proposition.
Looks like they may be setting up a christmas market here.
Christmassylooking things in the square but I don't see a tree yet.
I hope we are not going to lose this cam. https://teatv.ltd/
https://hellodear.inI think I can see a Christmas tree in the top left corner.
They're pulling back the tarp and getting ready for the fountains!
Hi Roger Barker .... I hope you are well. It's 2 years today since Trix died, so she never heard of Covid. Seems to have been a long 2 years.
You take care.
Looks like more cameras shutting down. Sad
Must remember to look on here tomorrow.
A wedding!
No live feed for me. I hope we are not going to lose this cam.
Lovely place.
The fountains are on.......yay !!!
I haven't touched them. Fresh doughnuts would have to be eaten but the pizzas are my "comfort blanket." :D
HAHAHA....Have you eaten both pizzas yet?
I blame it on the chocolate overload!!!!!! :D
Ahhhhhh, RAIN !!
Wait....what???? Oh, I think you're confusing me with Silver Sqirrel. Here in Oregon it is just about the same as you in Devon. And yes...it's raining. :D
Hi stargzr ...... as I stepped outside into 47F I thought of you with your 90+. Do you even own a coat? :D
Yay....... They're pulling back the tarp and getting ready for the fountains!