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View to the Square of Independence.
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Comments (9)

MD 08/16/13 20:03


jules 08/16/13 19:27

Those spiders will get you every time. There you are calmly watching and enjoying a scene and ZAP, a great hairy spider blocks the view. I won't watch this in the daylight now, just in case.

bill dude 08/16/13 18:10

YIKES spider on the camera.

bill dude 08/16/13 18:06

What is going on, no traffic on a main street?

kyle 01/21/13 04:42

Sadly, not enough Gas/Petrol to operate a car for most, just too expensive at 10 (Or higher) dollars for a gallon.

bill dude 01/21/13 00:29

At 3:30am there sure is a lot of traffice and people walking about

bill dude 01/20/13 16:15

This is a neat cam. Does anyone know what the action is in the square?

Gracie 05/05/12 16:19

Not a lot of cars..lots of public transportation.

Gracie 05/05/12 14:46

Great street scene.


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