"Are You Being Served" is shown every day on a channel called Drama ..... which has no connection at all to BBC. The BBC is not very popular with a lot of people at the moment. With political situations they tend to show the arguments only from the people they are siding with. Certainly not unbiased news coverage
Moose06/27/18 15:31
I believe we have found there is no way around that.
MD06/27/18 15:17
You won't believe this ..........
This video contains content from BBC Worldwide, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
That's all I saw when I clicked on the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moose06/27/18 15:08
And the way he would strut around was priceless. Here is a couple of purple hair moments for you.
"Are You Being Served" is shown every day on a channel called Drama ..... which has no connection at all to BBC. The BBC is not very popular with a lot of people at the moment. With political situations they tend to show the arguments only from the people they are siding with. Certainly not unbiased news coverage
I believe we have found there is no way around that.
You won't believe this ..........
This video contains content from BBC Worldwide, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
That's all I saw when I clicked on the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the way he would strut around was priceless. Here is a couple of purple hair moments for you.
I'm free ........ but you have to imagine it in John Inman's voice for best effect. :D
Hi MD... Are you free?
Hi Moose ..... I tried to find out but no joy. I did find these:
I wonder who Bibi is. I like the view, too.
Nice view
What a lovely view.