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Viewing Mode: Community School - Pig Cam
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Comments (212)

MD 07/17/16 20:37

I don't know why but I wish I had some M&Ms.   :D

zedyer 07/17/16 20:03

lol! sounds about right

MD 07/17/16 15:32

Zedyer ..... maybe Kyle is casting his pearls (of wisdom) before swine.

zedyer 07/17/16 15:22

The pig keeps going away because kyle is out front telling him about pigs

MD 07/17/16 12:16

I always call these two "Bacon and Eggs."

zedyer 07/17/16 12:02

Its gone... Im out to buy Bacon

MD 07/17/16 11:32

Zedyer .... not quite complete .... there is usually a chicken in here.

zedyer 07/17/16 11:24

Life is complete

MD 09/21/15 15:40

Mira ..... it's always trending with me....... especially in scratching form. LOL

Mira Bilis 09/21/15 15:37

I see pork is trending today in Britain.  ;P

MD 07/26/15 16:10

Trix .... it seems to have made at least one disappear.  Bacon is having a snooze.

trix abound 07/26/15 15:49

yes MD....honesty can be a killer!!!!!!

MD 07/26/15 15:38

PS Trix ... we are also honest.  Now that's the bit that sometimes causes offence. LOL!!!!!

MD 07/26/15 15:36

Teo .... it'll happen to you too!

Trix .... we like polite. I mean .... we are always polite. It's not our fault if some take offence. LOL

Teo West 07/26/15 15:31

In answer to can I see how it happens.   "sointenly"

trix abound 07/26/15 15:09

MD....we don't need polite....just honesty...LOL

MD 07/26/15 14:58

Trix .... I think Teo must be thinking of a way to put it politely. :D

trix abound 07/26/15 14:22


MD 07/26/15 14:12

Teo ... way back you wondered about Trix and I discussing the sheriff of Maricopa County on this cam. Now you know us better ..... can you see how it happens?   LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mira Bilis 06/13/15 15:38

The chickens must have flown the coop ... haven't seen them for ages.


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