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Kestrel Cam
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Kestrel Cam

32664 hours ago

Kestrel Cam

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Kestrel Cam

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Comments (6296)

Phoenix 09/24/23 15:40

I believe this cam's a gonner too.. :-( 

Phoenix 06/12/21 21:29

You were right Deacon... they have all fled the nest! Hope they all do well in the big world, we're rooting for them....  -)

deacon 06/12/21 17:39

All are gone! Good luck little ones!

Phoenix 06/12/21 00:03

Oh gosh Mummy Kestrel here... I just flung in a juicy mouse to you lot!! Hope you are not arguing over the juicy bits!

Phoenix 06/12/21 00:00

Hi MD.. agree with the "agonies" .. I always go through them when I look a baby birds, baby animals.. etc. It always worries me when people post new born puppies, new born kittens, then I wonder if all of them are going home to good homes?? Not quite with wildbirds, fortunately, you know that they will find their way in life, without human interference, that is! I wonder if Mummy Kestrel cleans up the new feather growth on the babies heads.. I do it with my birds feathers, the one who don't do it to each other... Uh.. think I just missed Mummy flinging a juicey mouse or something like that, because they seem to be feasting..!  :-)

MD 06/11/21 18:35

I think the "wet" look is new feathers poking through the downy bits. I've never known them all fly away at the same time but you never know!  I wonder if we shall be lucky enough to get a second clutch - then we can go through the agonies again.  LOL!!!

Phoenix 06/11/21 17:51

LOL MD, couldn't have said it better myself!! Still three babies left, wonder if they haven't stuck their heads outside as they appear to be a bit wet on top!  Wee souls, can't be so easy to be a bird sometimes... would love to see what it looks like outside their said there were some trees not so far away... maybe Mummy is getting tired of flying back and forth to fee them and therefore trying to get all the babies out and together?? Always a guess. :-)

MD 06/11/21 14:45

Hi Phoenix .....  I did a bit of beak-reading and what she said was "Look - you freakin moron - it's darned hot in here and you're sitting there blocking fresh air from coming in. So pee or get off the pot and if you don't do it soon - I'll knock you straight out of here!!!"

Phoenix 06/11/21 14:13

Hi MD, I know that feeling too... trying to get the potato off of the couch! Maybe Mummy Kestrel thinks that the nest is becoming too uncomfortable for the babies, Deacon? You can see by the way they. droop their wings and open their little beaks..

MD 06/11/21 02:36

Hi Deacon ......   I know that feeling!   LOL

deacon 06/11/21 00:52

Never seen anything like this but the female is getting very impatient and "freaking out". She tried several times to push one of the perched males out of the house several times.

MD 06/10/21 22:56

Hi Phoenix ... 2 males and one female left.  They will probably leave her to tidy up!  LOL

The box is on the front of a building - could be offices or light industry.   Not far away there is a green area with a few trees. In the early days there used to be a website that did write-ups on the chicks' progress.  The man who wrote it was named Joel and he was never up to date with the info.  Trix used to email him when new chicks hatched and then he would update his info. 

Phoenix 06/10/21 18:13

Hi Deacon... you were right! I only see three now so two have flown the coop! I honestly did not think that their wings would be big enough to enable them to fly..  Awfully hot in there for them, the wee souls are panting.. :-( 

deacon 06/10/21 13:09

One already has flown the coop.

Phoenix 06/08/21 16:02

Yes, MD, i think it is becoming very hot inside for them... a bit cramped too because they have grown so much! Deacon thinks that they will leave the nest this week... ? Where is the nest exactly, is it up on a flat roof top? You think 3 males and 2 females.. could be right as three of them are stomping all over the other two..  :-)

MD 06/08/21 15:46

Hi Phoenix -  I think there are 3 males and 2 females.  It's obviously hot in there, poor things are gasping.

deacon 06/07/21 22:28

They will perch out the opening while they are gaining the confidence to fly off on their own. It will be this week.

Phoenix 06/06/21 23:06

Gosh, one of the babies is perched on the edge of the box looking out! It must be getting very cramped for them as they are growing by the day!


Phoenix 06/06/21 18:53

Hi Deacon, do you think so?? They're not so big yet... I do see they are growing up very fast though. Do they just go outside, and is the nest up on the roof of some bulding?

deacon 06/06/21 14:13

This will be the week they leave the nest.


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