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Comments (51)

MD 05/18/17 12:51

Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!  Welcome back.  :D

lizardmomma 05/18/17 12:47

Hello World...I'm back! MD-I missed you! I'm finally Happily Retired, and it took forever to get set up with a new computer service, clean my home pc and have everything professionally fixed in my home so I should be all set! MD, can you put something on the bench so I can find it, when they cleaned my computer they also wiped out my favorites.....So glad to be back!!

MD 05/17/17 19:17

I thought it was interesting to see this cam location from different angles.

Rain Shadow 05/17/17 18:45

Thank-you, M D.  I did see that link on an earlier comment.  Some good cameras.

MD 05/17/17 18:36

Rain Shadow ..... You might find this link interesting, courtsey of Teo:

Rain Shadow 05/17/17 18:13

A heartwarming sight.

MD 05/17/17 17:54

Looks like they are sleeping it off.

MD 05/06/17 19:57

Thanks Rain Shadow. I used to worry about the little ones falling but they are so smart.

I hope Teo is looking in.

Rain Shadow 05/06/17 19:42

There are babies here.

Rain Shadow 05/12/16 17:27

Feeding time.

MD 04/03/16 18:25

I wonder if there are any eggs yet.

MD 06/07/15 18:19

And I never saw one leave.

Mira Bilis 06/07/15 17:23

Nothing left but 'roadkill.'

Mira Bilis 05/27/15 15:09

They'll soon be ready to leave.

MD 05/20/15 16:21

I hope I'm lucky enough to see one fly away. It really is a leap of faith. I don't like heights so I'd stay there forever .... or until I got sufficiently hungry ... which wouldn't really be all that long. LOL

Mira Bilis 05/20/15 16:05

Robust looking babies.

MD 05/20/15 10:38

Lunch times and all these chicks are asleep.

Mira Bilis 05/19/15 00:09

Thanks Teo.

MD 05/18/15 19:45

Hi Teo .... that's a good link, I've bookmarked. Never worry about spelling. I have a reluctant aitch which causes some funny words..... like tanks instead of thanks.  :D

Teo West 05/18/15 18:51

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