Always some kind of food on here.
Im German TV kam gerade ein Bericht das Essen in ALU Schalen sehr gesundheits schädlich sind. ????????????????
Ja, es sieht viel zu gesund aus. Sehr unamerikanisch.
Das Essen sieht nie gut aus. :D
Igitt....das Essen sieht ja nicht lecker aus....Pfui Deibl. Da möchte ich nichts essen....
This happens frequently ..... left over food is all you ever see on this cam.
wonder if they are closed on the weekend and just forgot to dispose of it :)
At least 14 hours. :D
how long has that food sitting out?
Hi Rain Shadow. I didn't know that. I think I'll have some pasta. :D
Someone should have told them it is National Pasta Day.
They seem to eat well here but it is a strange place for a camera.
What slop is being served today?
Chow time. ;)
Interesting assortment.
Well now I can't get Live or a Refreshing view of this cam.
You're right Mira, someone is probably cooking something with those ingredients.
... or maybe not. Perhaps they're cooking something off-camera. ;)
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Always some kind of food on here.
Im German TV kam gerade ein Bericht das Essen in ALU Schalen sehr gesundheits schädlich sind. ????????????????
Ja, es sieht viel zu gesund aus. Sehr unamerikanisch.
Das Essen sieht nie gut aus. :D
Igitt....das Essen sieht ja nicht lecker aus....Pfui Deibl. Da möchte ich nichts essen....
This happens frequently ..... left over food is all you ever see on this cam.
wonder if they are closed on the weekend and just forgot to dispose of it :)
At least 14 hours. :D
how long has that food sitting out?
Hi Rain Shadow. I didn't know that. I think I'll have some pasta. :D
Someone should have told them it is National Pasta Day.
They seem to eat well here but it is a strange place for a camera.
What slop is being served today?
Chow time. ;)
Interesting assortment.
Well now I can't get Live or a Refreshing view of this cam.
You're right Mira, someone is probably cooking something with those ingredients.
... or maybe not. Perhaps they're cooking something off-camera. ;)