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West Virginia University - College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
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Comments (16)

MD 01/24/16 18:22

LOL!!!!!!! And it would have a different flavour!   :D

deacon 01/24/16 17:49

Zero calories in WHITE snow, yellow is a different story....

trix abound 01/24/16 16:01

LOL....I don't think it does either :)

MD 01/24/16 15:56

I do believe there are no calories in snow.  :D

trix abound 01/24/16 15:51


MD 01/24/16 15:44

Well goodness me ..... who would have thought that????? I thought snow fell gently down .... avoiding any pollution and would be fit for eating. I can't wait to get my knife and fork and tuck in!!!!!!!!!!

trix abound 01/24/16 15:21

LOL....i heard on the news the other day that we shouldn't eat the snow because it has all the impurities from the air in it!!!!

MD 01/24/16 15:02

You made me laugh the other day when you said you only send the right sort of rain!

trix abound 01/24/16 14:57

i wasn't going to tell you ......

MD 01/24/16 14:47

Yes .... I saw that on our news ....... I also saw that there's a possibility of it heading our way.

trix abound 01/24/16 14:23

some parts of West Virginia got 40 inches of snow!!!

MD 01/24/16 14:09


deacon 01/24/16 03:50

A lot of snow here. A couple cars were plowed around and will have to dig themselves out. A big task.

Mira Bilis 05/17/14 23:14


trix abound 05/17/14 21:57

much better than paradise...heeheehee...

MD 05/17/14 21:53

Yay!!! Another parking lot.


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