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Pergam Inzhiniring
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Comments (8)

Moose 06/15/17 19:05

That's all fine, but when I ping that IP address there is no response.  So like I said, dead cam from unknown host.

48801 06/15/17 18:35

for proof all one needs to do is look up the ip# which is

the results from that ip# is Moscow, organization Pergan Inzhiniring

MD 06/15/17 14:47

I agree.  :D

Moose 06/15/17 14:38

Proof?  Proof!?  Apparently now we don't need no stinking proof!  Now we just anonymously make random changes that get anonymously green thumbed immediately.  We have a dead cam that links to an unknown host but somehow is known to be at an engineering firm in Moscow.  It's just magic!  Welcome to the brave new Opentopia.

MD 06/13/17 19:20

Well someone's edited it.  Any proof available?

Moose 06/13/17 18:53

Apparently from someplace called "Novideo".  Sounds Japanese.

MD 06/13/17 18:46

Moose ...... could be a mushroom farm.   :D

Moose 06/13/17 17:54

Not much to say about this one.


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