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Comments (10)

MD 05/07/17 17:17

This place looks so ordinary without the snow.

MD 09/21/14 13:52

Cam 2

trix abound 07/13/14 18:03


MD 07/13/14 17:54

Trix, I'm sure it was the sun!!!!�� LOL

trix abound 07/13/14 17:35

i think last nights moon was supposedly a giant...thats what the news said

MD 07/13/14 17:01

Trix, I'm sure if it was like that in Devon there would be people about. I thought it looked particularly bright last night, on the cam.

trix abound 07/13/14 16:24

i'm always surprised when i don't see anyone out and about in the mid-night know...just because you can...

MD 07/13/14 15:51

Trix, wasn't it lovely......

trix abound 07/13/14 01:00

yes it is...

MD 07/13/14 00:56

This really is the land of the midnight sun!


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