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Comments (25)

Mira Bilis 11/29/15 22:57

Beautiful ... Dona will love it.

MD 11/29/15 22:22

It's lovely.

N Q 11/29/15 22:10

This is the first time I've seen this building lit up. Most nights the lights are off before I get a chance to look at it. It's really pretty.

MD 12/16/14 20:37

Dona... you were right ages ago... Estonia is a beautiful place.

dona brantley 12/16/14 20:32

this is so pretty at night         smile  dona 

dona brantley 12/16/14 20:14

MD  AND MIRA           I AM VERY SORRY I HAVENT  BEENON THE INTERNET    but my bed sores  were infeceted   and the u ti s   would not go away  i feel like you all are FRIENDS  of mine im feeling better today    thanks for the links                  DONA    smiley

MD 12/16/14 17:47

Well I never!!!!  :)

Mira Bilis 12/16/14 16:51

I only just realised that the ship is opposite this building.

MD 11/29/14 17:18

Mira..... polishes halo... I try.  LOL

Mira Bilis 11/29/14 17:14

It's not interfering MD ... it's being helpful.  :)

MD 11/29/14 16:54

Mira... whenever I see links aimed at particular people... I try to put them somewhere that I know will be seen by that person. I just can't help interfering.   :D

Mira Bilis 11/29/14 16:47

Thanks MD .... yes, it's lovely ... certainly made me want to visit.  :)

MD 11/29/14 16:43

Mira.... on the 27th I transferred your link to Tybee beach cam and if Dona didn't notice it then... I've just put her a reminder.  I enjoyed the link so thank you!  :)

MD 11/29/14 16:36

Dona... I watched a prog yesterday and a coach party went to Tallin. There is a place there that makes "ornaments" from marzipan and the group  made various things before going to the port. I had the experience of "going on the coach" onto the ferry and across to Finland. It was fun.

Mira Bilis 11/29/14 16:22

Hi Dona ... did you watch that video on Tallinn that I linked to for you, the other day?

dona brantley 11/29/14 16:13

ESTONIA   even without decorations ESTONIA is  fantastic  hi MIRA                  Dona     smiles

Mira Bilis 11/29/14 16:07

Oh, this one is gorgeous.  :)

N Q 11/29/14 13:52

christmas decorations alert :)

MD 07/13/14 12:16

Homely, I'm hoping that you're going with him and not just glad to get him out of the house!  Only kidding.

This does look a lovely place.

Homely 07/13/14 11:48

Me, too, MD. My husband's playing a live outdoor gig tonight and I can't wait! 

The square is just bustling with activity this weekend, and they have beautiful weather for it. Wish I were there!


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